About company
„LabAnalityka” Ltd. was created In 2000, based on the eight production laboratories and one environmental laboratory of the “Rokita” Chemical plants.
Within the framework, company provides services of the chemical research, based on the full analysis and control of the chemical process, raw materials and products, also performing of the comprehensive measurements and examinations, in the field of the environmental protection and the harmful agents of the working environment

Qualification of the Laboratory staff are incessantly increased by the participation in the workshops, organized by competent organizations (PROLAB, CE2, PCBC, IMP, Politechnika Gdańska, Gdańska Fundacja Wody, PCA).
Laboratory staff is participating in the interlaboratory comparison (Water- Politechnika Krakowska, pH- Centrum Badań Ekologicznych PAN, health harmful agents – IMP, light and sound research – WSSE Tarnobrzeg, LGC Standards).

Laboratory is equipped with a modern apparatus that provides high quality of the performed measurements and analysis.
Field measurements:
- Exhaust fumes analyzer MRU MGA-5
- Micromanometer DMM 01DPN
- Flowmeter DFM 1197-1-2-3
- Termodensimeter Testo 435-1
- Electrical Gravimetric Dust Monitor EMITEST 1590
- Noise dosimeter DM-50
- Sound level meter 2236C Brüel & Kjaer
- Sound level meter 2250 Brüel & Kjaer
- Acoustic calibrator 4231 Brüel & Kjaer
- Luxmeter L-52 SONOPAN
- Luxmeter L-100 SONOPAN
- Photometric calibrator KF-10 SONOPAN
- Quest QT-31-1 Analyzer for the WGBT measurements
- Aspirator 224-44TX
- Aspirator AMZ-1
Laboratory Analysis
- Atomic Absorption Spectrometer SavabtAA Sigma with a graphite furnace GF-5000 GBC
- Gas Chromatograph Agilent 6850A ECD
- Gas Chromatograph Agilent 6850A with FID
- Spectrophotometer UV-VIS GBC 916
- Spectrophotometer HACH 2800
- Mercury analyzer MA-2000 Nippon
- Analyzer AOX DEXTAR
- Microwaves sample preparing system MAGNUM II Ertec
- Analyzer OWO ThermoFisherSCIENTIFIC
- Ion Chromatograph IC Compact Flex 930
- ICP Ultima 2000 Jobin Yvon
All the analysis are performed with a use of the high quality reagents (Merck, POCH, Fluka, Sigma-Aldrich, Riedel-de Haen, LGC Standards) , certified standards and referenced materials (Merck, Sigma-Aldrich, Fluka, Tusnovics Instruments, Promochem).