
“LabAnalityka” Ltd. it’s consists of the four laboratories and archive:

Central Laboratory

Laboratory deals with a quality control of the raw materials and the finished products, analysis of the interoperation process. This facility that performs research and development is also responsible for  creating and implementing of the  new test standards.

South Laboratory

Laboratory responsibilities are analytical and application measurements for the purposes of the Rokopole Complex and analytical tests for the needs of the  Chlorine Complex.

North Laboratory

Laboratory is responsible for the control of interopreparation process and finished products of the PCC Exol inc., Polyols Business Unit PCC Rokita SA and ADAMA Manufacturing Poland inc., and researches for PCC Exol inc.

Environmental Testing Laboratory

Laboratory deals with research of the both environment and workplace, has the accreditation of the Polish Accreditation Centre nr AB935 that  confirms  compliance with the requirements of the  PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard